CEE Information Booklet please click

The Chamber of Electrical Engineers (EMO) has been established in 1954. The establishment is based on the UCTEA Law No.6235. It is a professional organization defined in the form of a public institution as stated in the Article 135 of the Constitution. It is one of the 23 constituent chambers of the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects.
EMO represents Electrical, Electronics, Control, Biomedical Engineers and has members over 50000. EMO Headquarters is located in Ankara. It has branches in Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Bursa, Denizli, Diyarbakır, Eskişehir, Gaziantep, Kocaeli, İstanbul, İzmir, Mersin, Samsun, and Trabzon. Additionally, The Chamber of Electrical Engineers is a widespread organization, having representatives and professional control offices in provinces and districts across the country.

1. To create solutions for members considering current needs, conditions and facilities; make efforts for the profession to be practiced and developed according to the interests of members, society and the country; preserve honesty and morality in relations with members and other professional chambers; set up and defend policies for the common good in the field of profession; form public opinion; warn relevant authorities.

2. To make all necessary attempts at securing public and national interests; finding, protecting and operating natural resources of the country; increasing agricultural and industrial productivity; protecting the environment and supporting artistic and technological improvements.
3. To collaborate with public authorities and other organizations in order to protect the interests of the profession, the country and the members; to take legal steps related to the professional field when necessary.

4. To protect the rights and authorization of members, provide solidarity among the members, prevent unfair competition.

5. To examine and analyze standards, norms, regulations, technical specifications, contract types and similar documents related to the profession; change, improve and modernize them.
6. To make recommendations to public authorities and the Union about preparation and modification of the laws, rules, and regulations concerning the activities of the Chamber.
7. To improve theories and practices of art and science concerning the profession.
8. To provide educational services related to the profession for members; construct and operate training institutions; organize courses, national and international fairs, seminars, congresses, exhibitions; give certificates to participants.

9. To audit professional services and products to improve their quality; set up calibration and test laboratories.

10. To provide facilities for social and cultural activities to members.

11. To serve as an expert, arbitrator or consultant about the professional field at courts of law.

12. To introduce the profession to students who study in the related engineering branches; let them benefit the facilities and resources of the Chamber, such as courses, internship, social activities; examine problems of engineering education and students; offer solutions.
13. To work in collaboration with universities and the industrial sector; organize collective events.

Those who graduated from electrical, electronics, electrical-electronics, computer, control, communication, telecommunication, biomedical, software, information systems and microelectronics engineering departments of universities in Turkey and universities abroad which are accredited by The Council of Higher Education (YÖK) can become members.

The undergraduate degree is referred for membership.

One has to be a citizen of The Republic of Turkey to become a full member.

The following must be submitted in order to apply for membership:

For Turkish citizens;

Copy of diploma or graduation certificate approved by a notary or the faculty (Those who graduated from a university abroad must also submit a notarized copy of the accreditation certificate taken from The Council of Higher Education.)

  • Copy of identity card (with the original)
  • Three photos
  • Registration form (available in the branch office)
  • Registration fee (45 TL)
  • Membership payments from graduation to registration date (9 TL/month, retroactive up to 5 years)

Law on UCTEA 6235:

Article 33: One has to register for the relevant Chamber in order to carry on professions of

engineering and architecture.

According to the Law 6235, foreign engineers who are allowed to work in Turkey must

become temporary members. Chamber General Assembly may confer honorary membership

to people who work for achieving the objectives of the Chamber.

Foreign engineers who will apply for temporary membership must submit the work permit

taken from the Ministry of Public Works and Settlement, in addition to the documents listed

above. Registration and membership fees are different for foreign engineers.

Student Membership

You can apply for student membership to the nearest EMO unit with your identity card,

student ID and two photos. Student membership is free of charge.


Decision Making and Executive Bodies 

  • General Assembly
  • Executive Board
  • Honorary Board
  • Inspection Board
  • Supporting Bodies
  • Coordination Council
  • Scientific Board
  • Editorial Board
  • Commissions

Decision Making and Executive Bodies

1) General Assembly

The General Assembly convenes biennially in February. It is composed of delegates, who are elected in Branch General Assemblies, in addition to regular delegates.  The following must

be on the meeting agenda of the General Assembly:

a) Election of the Presidential Council

b) Reading operating, financial and audit reports

c) Election of the Chamber Executive, Honorary, Inspection Boards; and candidates for

UCTEA General Assembly, Executive, Inspection, High Honorary Boards.


2) Executive Board

The Board consists of seven full and seven alternate members. It implements the decisions

taken in the General Assembly; attends Branch General Assemblies when necessary; provides

communication and coordination with UCTEA; calls Honorary and Inspection Boards to duty

when required; represents the Chamber and the members in lawsuits.

47th Period (2020-2022) EMO Executive Board

  • President: Bülent PALA
  • Vice President: Şaban FİLİZ
  • Secretary: Şükrü Can İNCEBIYIK
  • Treasurer: Çiğdem GÜNDOĞAN TÜRKER
  • Member: Olgun SAKARYA
  • Member: Mehmet ÖZDAĞ
  • Member: Seyfettin ATAR

3) Honorary Board

It consists of five full and five alternate members; works in order to keep the activities of the Chamber in accordance with the laws and regulations; takes decisions and precautions about members who act contrary to ethical and moral principles of the profession.

47th Period EMO Honorary Board

  • İlhan METİN
  • İrfan SATIR
  • Mustafa Asım RASAN
  • Çetin İNCE 

4) Inspection Board

The Inspection Board consists of seven full and seven alternate members. It audits the accounts and relevant activities of the Chamber at least on a quarterly basis; prepares reports

and presents it to the Executive Board.

 47nd Period EMO Inspection Board

  • Suat YILMAZ
  • Hüsamettin PALA
  • Özgür YAKIŞAN
  • Hüseyin Ekrem PAZARLI
  • Bekir DURSUN
  • Yaşanur KAYA 
  • İbrahim AKSÖZ

Supporting Bodies

1) Coordination Council

The Council aims to provide coordination among executive units of the Chamber. It consists of UCTEA Executive Board representative, Chamber Executive Board, Branch Executive Boards and if required, full members of the Chamber Honorary and Inspection Boards.
2) Scientific Board

The Chamber Scientific Board has been established in order to analyze scientific and technical issues and the main problems of the profession, and offer solutions. It is composed of two members from each Branch Executive Board and the members of the Chamber


Executive Board.  

3) Editorial Board

The Editorial Board is responsible for Elektrik Mühendisliği Dergisi, Cumhuriyet Enerji andother professional publications. It defines the editorial policies of EMO. 
4) Commissions

Chamber Executive Board constitutes commissions for various activities to be carried out efficiently. The Board appoints people to take place in commissions. The commissions are

liable to the Executive Board.

The branches have been established in order to improve the relations of the Chamber with its members.

Structure of Branches

Decision Making and Executive Bodies 

  • Branch General Assembly
  • Branch Executive Board
  • Branch Inspection Board
  • Supporting Bodies
  • Branch Coordination Council
  • Branch Advisory Board
  • Commissions

Branch General Assemblies convene biennially. They consist of members of the corresponding branches. The following must be on the meeting agenda of the Branch General Assemblies:
a) Election of the Presidential Council

b) Reading operating, financial and audit reports

c) Determination of Branch Executive Board and Chamber General Assembly candidates, elections 
 Branch Executive Boards have seven full and seven alternate members. The following are the

main duties of Branch Executive Boards

  1) Execute the decisions taken in the Branch General Assembly

2) Represent the Chamber in the area of responsibility

3) Set up commissions when required

4) Take measures to protect honour, rights and interests of members

5) Cooperate with the Chamber Headquarters

6) Audit the Chamber Representatives within the area of responsibility

7) Call the Branch General Assembly for a meeting if required

For participation of members in Chamber activities and maintaining coordination with local bodies, Representatives are established in provinces, districts, and workplaces where

Contact Information:



+90 312 425 32 72





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